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Frequently Used Acronyms

ADD/ADHD: Attention Deficit/Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 

AED: Analyzing Existing Data 


ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder 


CIEP: Central IEP Team at DCPS


DCPS: D.C. Public Schools


DD: Developmental Delay 


ED: Emotional Disturbance 


IEE: Independent Education Evaluation 


IEP: Individualized Education Plan 


FAPE: Free Appropriate Public Education 


LD: Learning Disability 


LEA: Local Education Agency 


MD: Multiple Disabilities



OHI: Other Health Impairment 


OI: Orthopedic Impairment 


OSSE: Office of the State Superintendent of Education


OT: Occupational Therapist 


PT: Physical Therapist 


PWN: Prior Written Notice 


RSP: Related Service Provider 


SEA: State Education Agency (This is OSSE) 


SLD: Specific Learning Disability 


SLI: Speech/Language Impairment 


SLP: Speech Language Pathologist 


SP: Services Plan 


TBI: Traumatic Brain Injury 


VI: Visual Impairment 

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